Wednesday, 26 October 2011


Last activity engagement for these blogs on 23.10.2011

Today I focussed on finishing the song I had started to learn just over a week ago, which was 'Hero of war' by Rise Against. While playing the rest if this song, I thought hard about each of these engagements in terms of all the things we were asked to think about. I Recalled examining ergonomics, affordances, ambience and practical considerations. Everything under these headings I found really pulled apart my guitar playing as an occupation, and even though it was already so important to me, I found out so much more about it, and what it really means to me. It's been a very meaningful, and mindful experience.

In conclusion of these blogs:

Through the weekly activity accounts, i've learnt about my chosen occupation of guitar playing and learnt alot about myself also. I already knew of the great importance occupation played in the lives of humans, but going through it in this way has helped me recognise the simple vitality of it.

I've found that my chosen occupation of guitar playing fits under the framework umbrella of WORK, and under that umbrella is the framework of PLAY. I will use this to further reflect and analyse my engagement in this occupation.

Reference #5

"Occupation based activity analysis places the person in the foreground. It takes into account th particular persons' interests, goals, abilities, and contexts, as well as demands of the activity itself. These considerations shape the practitioner's effort to help the person reach his or her goals through carefully designed evaluation and intervention", (Crepeau, 1991)

I chose this as the last reference, because I think it's perfect in outlining why this blog was such a perfect way to find out more about a certain occupation. With analysis, you learn so much about it, and can use these learning to better your experience with the occupation. I will definitely feel more prepared and more connected to my guitar whenever I play after learning so much about it.

Peer reviewing:

#1 Amanda Bierre - 1st posting on the 11.09.2011
#2 Godhelp - 6th posting on the 13.10.2011
#3 Erin Hancock - 4th posting on the 14.10.2011
#4 Cara Tate - 6th posting on the 25.10.2011

All References cited across ALL blogs:

Caulton, R. (1994). Occupation and healing: at home, at work, at play. Occupation Journal, Vol. 1, No.1.
Crepeau, E, B. (1991). Achieving intersubjective understanding: Examples from as occupational therapy treatment session. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 44, 311-317
Gaimen, N. (2005). Anansai Boys: Harper Torch
Gibson, B. (2001). Performing matters. Great Britain: England. Athenaeum Press.
Wilson, P.J. (1976). At our wits beginnings. Anthropology department, Otago university, Dunedin, New Zealand.

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