Sunday, 15 May 2011

Tutorial eight - Assistive technology

Cook and Hussey (1995) have defined assistive technology as being "any item or piece of equipment or product system whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, or customized that is used to increase functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities". To me, this definition means that assistive technology is any piece of equipment that will help someone return to function in terms of day to day tasks. An example of this, is speech recognition.

(Image one)

Speech recognition is a software that allows people to communicate with technology through speaking to it, and it generates the words for them. This is useful for someone has trouble texting, writing & typing etc. It is easy to use, as it comes with manuals, and it is compactible and small which makes it prime to carry around to have for use when needed. It is compatible with all types of technology, such as computers or cellphones. The costs range from $40-$150, which won't break the bank.

(You tube, 2011)

The above video from you Tube, is an example of somebody who is wheelchair bound and uses assistive technology to be able to use a computer, and this is speech recognition. With this video, we can see how much speech recognition can help a person get back to doing a task they enjoy, such as using a computer. 

Cook, A. M. & Hussey, S. M. (1996). Assistive technologies: Principles and practice. USA: Mosby
You Tube
Google Images

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